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Best of Appellation
Double Gold Medal
Best of Appellation
Gold Medal
Best of Iowa
with 48 wines found - 0 available for purchase
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with 48 wines found -
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(mouse over the list below to see the Evaluation Panel's tasting notes for each BOA Wine)
Breezy Hills Vineyard
Edelweiss (Iowa)
Cedar Ridge Vineyards
2010 Edelweiss (Iowa)
(Edelweiss 100%)
750ml $12.99
Cedar Ridge Vineyards
2010 LaCrosse (Iowa)
(La Crosse 100%)
750ml $14.99
Cedar Ridge Vineyards
2010 St. Pepin (Iowa)
(St. Pepin 95%, Unidentified Varieties 5%)
750ml $16.99
Danish Countryside Vines and Wines
2007 Twilight White (Iowa)
(Brianna 100%)
750ml $15.00
Danish Countryside Vines and Wines
Danish Arbor (Iowa)
Deja Vine Vineyards and Winery
2007 Pinicon Red (Iowa)
(St. Croix)
750ml $12.95
Eagle City Winery
2007 Eagle City Red (Iowa)
(Frontenac 50%, Marechal Foch 50%)
750ml $15.00
Engelbrecht Family Winery
2007 Farm House Bella (Iowa)
(Leon Millot, Niagara, Catawba)
Engelbrecht Family Winery
2006 Farm House Hombre (Iowa)
(Marechal Foch, Catawba)
Fireside Winery
2008 St Croix (Iowa)
(St. Croix)
Grape Escape Vineyard and Winery
Simply White (Iowa)
Grape Escape Vineyard and Winery
Rose City Red (Iowa)
Jasper Winery
2007 La Crescent (Iowa)
(La Crescent)
750ml $17.00
Jasper Winery
Lucy Lane (Iowa)
Jasper Winery
2007 Seyval Blanc (Iowa)
(Seyval Blanc)
750ml $14.00
Jasper Winery
2007 Norton (Iowa)
(Norton / Cynthiana)
Jasper Winery
2007 Front Porch (Iowa)
(Cayuga, Marechal Foch)
750ml $12.00
Jasper Winery
J W Rose (Iowa)
John Ernest Vineyard and Winery
Dusty Road (Iowa)
(La Crosse)
750ml $13.00
John Ernest Vineyard and Winery
Morning Dew (Iowa)
(St. Pepin)
750ml $13.00
Park Farm Winery
2006 Fume LaCrosse (Iowa)
(La Crosse)
750ml $15.95
Park Farm Winery
2006 Vintner's Reserve Chambourcin (Iowa)
750ml $15.95
Park Farm Winery
2005 Vineyard Select Marechal Foch (Iowa)
(Marechal Foch)
750ml $18.95
Park Farm Winery
2006 Frontenac Dessert Wine (Iowa)
Prairie Crossing Vineyard and Winery
2006 Windswept White (Iowa)
750ml $14.00
Prairie Crossing Vineyard and Winery
2006 Cardinal Red (Iowa)
(Concord, Catawba)
750ml $10.00
Snus Hill Winery
2008 Boule de Poils, Estate (Iowa)
(La Crescent 40%, St. Pepin 36%, Seyval Blanc 24%)
750ml $16.00
Snus Hill Winery
Edelweiss (Iowa)
Summerset Winery
2008 Iowa Vignoles (Iowa)
(Vignoles / Ravat)
750ml $13.00
Summerset Winery
Edelweiss (Iowa)
750ml $10.00
Summerset Winery
La Crosse (Iowa)
(La Crosse)
Summerset Winery
Frontenac (Iowa)
750ml $13.00
Summerset Winery
Marechal Foch (Iowa)
(Marechal Foch)
Summerset Winery
Swenson Red (Iowa)
(Swenson Red)
Summerset Winery
Vino Rosso (Iowa)
(Unidentified Varieties)
Summerset Winery
2010 Iowa Vignoles (Iowa)
(Vignoles / Ravat 100%)
750ml $15.00
Summerset Winery
2010 Seyval Blanc, Terry Fox Vineyard (Iowa)
(Seyval Blanc 100%)
750ml $14.00
Summerset Winery
2010 Frontenac (Iowa)
(Frontenac 100%)
750ml $15.00
Summerset Winery
2009 Ruby La Belle (Iowa)
(Unidentified Varieties)
500ml $19.00
Tabor Home Vineyards and Winery
2008 Marechal Foch Nouveau (Iowa)
(Marechal Foch 100%)
750ml $12.00
Tabor Home Vineyards and Winery
2007 A Real Sweetie (Iowa)
(La Crosse 100%)
750ml $13.00
Tabor Home Vineyards and Winery
A Real Sweetie (Iowa)
(La Crosse 100%)
750ml $12.00
Tabor Home Vineyards and Winery
Moonlight White (Iowa)
(Seyval Blanc)
750ml $11.90
Tassel Ridge Winery
2007 Edelweiss (Iowa)
Tassel Ridge Winery
NV Prairie Snow (Iowa)
(St. Pepin 58%, Vignoles / Ravat 43%, Seyval Blanc 4%, Chardonel 4%)
375ml $29.00
Tassel Ridge Winery
2007 Steuben (Iowa)
750ml $13.00
White Oak Vineyards
2008 La Crescent (Iowa)
(La Crescent)
375ml $17.99
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