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What is RSS?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format for sharing and distributing Web content. By subscribing to's RSS feed, you'll receive headlines and summaries of new articles and features we've added to the website. When you click on any headline, you'll be linked directly to the full version of the article on the website.

How do I access RSS?
RSS readers (also called aggregators) will collect, update and display RSS feeds, allowing you to view headlines and summaries from a variety of sources, such as A number of free and commercial RSS readers are available for download, including separate, "stand-alone" programs and readers that allow you to add RSS feeds to a web page (such as My Yahoo! pages) or weblog. You should also check the tools included in your web browser, because many newer browsers have RSS capabilities already built-in.

To view feeds in a stand-alone RSS reader:
1. Copy the URL you are interested in from the list below.
2. Paste it into your reader/aggregator.

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