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Sommelier Wine Picks
Boxwood Winery
2010 Boxwood Trellis - Estate
(Middleburg Virginia)
750ml $18.00
Boxwood Winery
2010 Boxwood - Estate
(Middleburg Virginia)
750ml $25.00
Joseph Jewel Wines
2009 Pinot Noir - Floodgate Vineyard
(Russian River Valley)
750ml $42.00
Joseph Jewel Wines
2008 Pinot Noir - Elk Prairie Vineyard
(Humboldt County)
750ml $39.00
Joseph Jewel Wines
2010 Rose of Pinot Noir - Elk Prairie Vineyard
(Humboldt County)
750ml $20.00
Joseph Jewel Wines
2009 Pinot Noir - Elk Prairie Vineyard
(Humboldt County)
750ml $39.00
Briceland Vineyards
2011 Chardonnay
(Humboldt County)
750ml $21.00
Galen Glen Vineyard and Winery
2010 Stone Cellar Grüner Veltliner
(Lehigh Valley)
750ml $14.00
m2 wines
2009 Zinfandel "Artist Series"
750ml $35.00
m2 wines
2009 Old Vine Zinfandel - Soucie Vineyard
750ml $28.00
Breggo Cellars
2010 Gewurztraminer - Ferrington Vineyard
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $25.00
Breggo Cellars
2010 Riesling
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $25.00
Breggo Cellars
2010 Pinot Gris - Wiley Vineyard
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $28.00
Handley Cellars
2010 Gewurztraminer
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $18.00
Handley Cellars
2010 Chardonnay - Estate
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $22.00
Claudia Springs Winery
2010 Pinot Gris - Klindt Vineyard
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $18.00
Navarro Vineyards
2010 Muscat Blanc
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $19.00
Navarro Vineyards
2010 Chardonnay
(Anderson Valley)
750ml $22.00
Loos Family Winery
2010 Loos Family Pinot Noir - Bohemian Vineyard
(Russian River Valley)
375ml $22.00, 750ml $44.00
Stama Winery
2009 The Nymph - Jahant Vineyard
750ml $21.95
Wine Search
Search by Appellation:
Amador County
Anderson Valley
Finger Lakes
Humboldt County
Lehigh Valley
Long Island
Middleburg Virginia
Mokelumne River ~ Lodi
Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley
Russian River Valley
Santa Cruz Mountains
Santa Lucia Highlands
Search by Varietal:
Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Sauvignon
Grenache Blanc
Gruner Veltliner
Muscat of Alexandria
Pinot Gris | Grigio
Pinot Noir
Search by Winery:
Acquiesce Winery
Boxwood Winery
Breggo Cellars
Briceland Vineyards
Cima Collina
Claudia Springs Winery
Damiani Wine Cellars
Forlorn Hope
Galen Glen Vineyard and Winery
Handley Cellars
Joseph Jewel Wines
Keuka Lake Vineyards
Loos Family Winery
m2 wines
Monticello Vineyards|Corley Family Napa Valley
Navarro Vineyards
Peconic Bay Winery
Stama Winery
Tondre Wines
Windy Oaks Estate
What's Hot
Based on the most sought after wines by Appellation America users over the past week.
Trentadue Winery
2005 Old Patch Red
Based on the most referred wineries in the Winery-Direct Marketplace over the past week.
Trentadue Winery
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