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Varietal Character

Your stature is short and slight. Your nose so flat it appears you've been in more than your share of brawls. But people don’t employ you for your looks. You are a grape for hire, a ‘hitman' of the vine. Your Central Valley bosses know they can trust you to perform no matter how ‘hot the situation’ because you’re a workhorse with an acidic tongue … a lethal combination.

Appellations Growing Trebbiano Grapes

Appellations producing the most Trebbiano wines:

Trebbiano Grape Details

Trebbiano (aka. Ugni Blanc, Saint Emilion, Procanico)

One of the most widely-planted grapes in the world, Trebbiano is better known as 'Saint Emilion' in California, where it resides mostly in the hot Central Valley and is often used to produce brandy. Few grapes can or would admit to being the source of as many generic wines as this Italian native. Known as Ugni Blanc throughout much of France, the grape is again called Saint Emilion in the French sub-region of Charentes, where it is the most useful in distilled products such as Cognac. Trebbiano’s global reach stems from its highly-productive nature and its ability to ripen easily. Beyond that, Trebbiano is afforded little respect for the quality of the wines it produces. Jancis Robinson aptly describes a typical Trebbiano’s character as “...pale lemon, little nose, notably high acid, medium alcohol and body, short. And that, I am afraid is it.”
