Wine Recommendation
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Wine Recommendation

Baily Vineyard and Winery

2008 Dry Riesling
(Temecula Valley)

There is a dramatic citrus, mineral-slate aroma here and a courageous low pH (2.96) to balance less than 1% residual sugar. Here is a wine for those who don’t think great Riesling can come from the warmer areas of California. Temecula, south of the Tehachepi Mountains, once was thought to be too warm for whites of this structure and delicacy.

Reviewed June 22, 2009 by Dan Berger.


The Wine

Winery: Baily Vineyard and Winery
Vintage: 2008
Wine: Dry Riesling
Appellation: Temecula Valley
Grape: Riesling
Price: 750ml $17.00

Review Date: 6/22/2009

The Reviewer

Dan Berger

Dan Berger has been reviewing wine for 30 years, always seeking character related to varietal type and regional identity. He has never used numbers to rank wine and doesn’t plan to start any time soon. He believes that weight and concentration aren’t the only worthy aspects of wine and is especially smitten by cool-climate and food-friendly wines that offer distinctiveness.