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John Schreiner - British Columbia Wine Country

British Columbia (Provincial Appellation)

Bigger and better edition of British Columbia Wine Country is released

by Adam Dial
May 2, 2007

APPELLATION AMERICA's British Columbia Regional Correspondent John Scheiner has produced the latest edition of his bestselling British Columbia Wine Country. With photographs by Kevin Miller, the 264 page book is published by Whitecap Books of North Vancouver.

An additional 72 pages of text and photographs have been added since the first edition. This new edition offers details on approximately 175 producers, including cideries and meaderies. That is up from 100 in the first edition, pointing to the rapid growth the British Columbia wine idustry has experienced in recent years.

New producers have popped up everywhere. For example, 27 wineries are open or under development on the Naramata Bench and Penticton, almost double the number four years ago. There are 29 wineries open or under development on Vancouver Island, compared with 22 four years ago.

The up-to-date text profiles wineries just as they are opening – such as Blackwood Lane in Langley, Seven Stones at Cawston and Skimmerhorn in Creston, British Columbia’s eastern-most winery. The book also includes wineries which are still several years away from opening, including what will be the first winery in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island.

Chapters on the wineries and on the terroir of 13 regions across British Columbia are organized to facilitate wine touring. Spectacular color photographs highlight the attractions of wine country, coupled with portraits of most owners and winemakers. Each section includes clearly-drawn maps, locating the wineries. Winery names, addresses and websites are listed at the end of each section.

British Columbia Wine Country ($32.95) is available in most bookstores, in many British Columbia winery shops and private wine stores.
See also John Schreiner’s Okanagan Wine Tour Guide

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