Markko Vineyard
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Markko Vineyard: winery information

Winemaker: Arne Esterer & Linda Frisbie

Dr Frank said, “Americans should drink the best" and as his “Cooperator” his tradition of growing Vitis vinifera continues here. Arne's other mentors include Philip Wagner, Andre Tchelischeff and Doug Moorhead. Linda has worked with Markko vines and wines for the past 32 years. Her palette, as a super taster, helps Markko wine express its true character.

Annual Production: 2,000 cases

Futures for the '06 vintage wines ended in May 2008. Futures for the '07 vintage will open in August 2009 "The GaddingVine" newsletter, on-line and printed, covers details with winegrower notes, wine list and events.

Estate Vineyard Acreage
Chardonnay 6 acres J Riesling 5 acres Cabernet Sauvignon 2 acres Merlot Cabernet Franc Pinot Noir 1 acre Pinot Gris Total 14 acres

Grape Varieties Planted

For more information on Markko Vineyard visit them on the web at

Contact Information

Markko Vineyard
4500 South Ridge Rd.
Conneaut, OH  44030
United States

Phone: (440) 593-3197
Alternate Phone: (800) 252-3197
Fax: (440) 599-7022