Lincoln Lakeshore
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This appellation shares a similar terroir to the neighbouring Creek Shores DVA. The appellation’s climate is defined by its proximity to Lake Ontario. The region is slow to warm in the spring, but an extended growing season allows the region to accumulate similar total degree days relative to neighbouring appellations. Other generalities about the appellation as a whole are hard to make, as soil types vary widely. Many of the best vineyards lie in the appellations southern extreme. Here vineyards, such as Vineland Estates, benefit from being located on the remnants of the Lake Iroquois Bluff. The additional slope provides better drainage relative to vineyards lying on the flatter portion of the appellation. The slope also provides better air circulation in the vineyards. This latter point is of particular importance in the Niagara Peninsula, where early and late season frost is always an issue. It is also worth noting, while average degree days are in-line with surrounding appellations, this DVA has some of the greatest variances year in and year out. Presumably, when searching out the best wines of the Lincoln Lakeshore DVA vintage is a determining factor.

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Q: What are the most recognized grapes grown here?
Q: What wines are produced here?

The AppellationAmerica database identifies 2 wines labeled with the Lincoln Lakeshore designation.

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