Tom Wark
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Tom Wark is owner of Wark Communications, a wine industry public relations firm based in Glen Ellen, California. He also maintains "Fermentations: The Daily Wine Blog" at which he writes daily on issues concerning the wine industry, wine education and wine appreciation.

Tom Wark can also be found on the web at
Tom Wark can be reached by email at

Meet the Wine Press

  • Abramson, Andy
  • Karlsson, Britt
  • Alsop, Jonathon
  • Karlsson, Per
  • Anderson, Eric
  • Kincaid, Les
  • Aragon Guiller, Francisco
  • King, Roger
  • Aspler, Tony
  • Krielow Chamberlain, Lynn
  • Atticks, Kevin
  • Landee, Pat
  • Baker, Mary
  • Lasky, Michael
  • Baker, Michelle
  • LaVallee, Derek M.
  • Barford, John
  • Leahy, Richard
  • Bates, Christopher
  • LeBeaux, Lorrie
  • Benavidez, Fran
  • Levin, Richard
  • Berger, Dan
  • Marmon, Louis
  • Best, Richard
  • McCluney, Gregory
  • Borg, Shannon
  • McIntyre, Catie
  • Briley, Russ
  • Michelsen, Clive
  • Caparoso, Randy
  • Morris, Roger
  • Carroll, Brigid
  • Napolitano, Len
  • Carter, Benjamin
  • Ness, Laura
  • Cass, Bruce
  • Noga, Cari
  • Celce, Bertrand
  • O'Hara, Susan
  • Cevola, Alfonso
  • O'Malley, Charlie
  • Challender, John
  • Olney, John M.
  • Chandler, Dave
  • Pellechia, Thomas
  • Chapa, Rebecca
  • Pingelton, Tim
  • Clarke, Jim
  • Pinhey, Craig
  • Cochran, Courtney
  • Pirolli, Vince
  • Collins, Rich
  • Pollack, Joe
  • Colman, Tyler
  • Preiser, Monty
  • Cox, Jeff
  • Przebinda, Arthur Z.
  • D'Vari, Marisa
  • Reichert, Ryan
  • Danehower, Cole
  • Reid, Taj
  • Daniel, Laurie
  • Reiley, Amy
  • Dawes, Casey
  • Ribaudo, Carl
  • Dawes, Ken
  • Ribaudo, Mike
  • Deitz Sexton, Jean
  • Rosen, Jennifer
  • DeWolf, Mark
  • Rosenkrantz, Jens
  • Diaz, Jo
  • Rossman, Marlene
  • Dibbern, Donald
  • Russo, Mark
  • Dornaus, Margaret
  • Sam, Gugino
  • Einstein, Ric
  • Sampson, Anne
  • Ensrud, Barbara
  • Savoie, Patricia
  • Espinasse, Jean-Marc
  • Schaefer, Dennis
  • Falchek, David
  • Schreiner, John
  • Fallis, Catherine
  • Seda, Catherine
  • Fegan, Patrick W.
  • Senatore, Taylor
  • Filippi, Gino L.
  • Shoemaker, Bill
  • Frank, Jennifer
  • Sidor, Michelle M.
  • Franson, Paul
  • Siena, Allison
  • Gaertner, Susanna
  • Singer, Earl G.
  • Gaffney, MD, Rusty
  • Smay, Nancy
  • Goldfarb, Alan
  • Smith, Clark
  • Granger, Catherine
  • Stein, Gene
  • Grant Peterson, PhD, Richard
  • Stewart, Rhoda
  • Greenberg, Scott
  • Storer, Mark
  • Gulacsi, Andreea
  • Sullivan, Kathy
  • Haff, Harry
  • Sullivan, Terry
  • Hargrave, Louisa Thomas
  • Trigg, Allison
  • Harvey, Erin
  • Trigg, Barbara
  • Heald, Eleanor & Ray
  • Walker, Farley
  • Hernandez, Al
  • Walsh, Jan
  • Hock, Stan
  • Ward, Philip
  • Houston, Tricia
  • Wark, Tom
  • Howell, Daedalus
  • Waters, Christopher
  • James, Richard
  • Wetherill, Elsbeth
  • Johnson, Gregory
  • Williams, Vinus
  • Juergens, John P.
  • Wilson, Rosina T.
  • Kamens, Tracy Ellen
  • Wood, Sean
  • Kapon, Ronald A.
  • Zinns, Ken

  • Wine writers wishing to register in this index please contact Appellation America for a log-in ID to access the secure Press Area on the site.